The Global Academy has now been around for over 3 years.

Recent blogs have looked at both how ‘Global’ the Global Academy actually is (Just how global is the Global Academy?) and which #SDGs are the focus of the researchers who form the Global Academy (<strong>Which UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the Global Academy researchers working on?</strong>).

We are celebrating the achievement of two significant milestones by the Global Academy!

As an online initiative the Global Academy has chosen two basic metrics which we monitor monthly.  These are: 

  1. Number of Twitter followers on the @1GlobalAcademy account and 
  2. Total Global Academy researcher members. 

On both of these indicators we passed a major milestone during April 2023!

In the same month we gained both our 6,000th Twitter follower and also the 600th Global Academy researcher!

This 10:1 ratio has been steady since the very early days of the Global Academy and seems to hold steady no even when other factors change.

We are grateful to all of our Twitter followers, but especially to our Global Academy researchers who are promoting the value of research in helping the world to achieve the #UN #GlobalGoals (#SDGs) by 2030. They are doing essential work and each is making a huge personal contribution.

The world has a long way to go in a very short time…and we have some great brains working to help us all get there. You can join them, and help to make a bigger difference, here