The 2030 SDGs game is quite new to the UK, and The Global Academy is amongst only a tiny number of accredited game/workshop facilitators. We have now run several, either as open, public games, or as an element of a wider educational programme such as that we ran for set of Masters students at the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.
And what are people saying about the game experience?
You can see a selection of real-life feedback comments below, with a summary of the key learning points people find when they play the 2030 SDGs Game . We have been using a standard feedback form and in answer to a question about key take-aways from playing the game comments have focused on three main areas.

Firstly, that the game (eventually…) engenders a spirit of collaboration and cooperation amongst participants – in fact it is impossible to finish the game with a sense of successful progress without both.

A mindset change
Secondly, that over the period of the game participants develop a different mindset which many feel they can then take away to benefit their own work or business.

Thirdly, the game invokes a sense of genuine urgency to ‘get things done’ and make progress. A recent student participant had one view at the start of the game when they were split into small teams, but by the end summed up their experience of playing by saying “It’s not a competition, it’s a race against time”.

In addition to this, many offer suggestions for other groups who might benefit from playing the game. The most common answer to this is simply ‘governments’!

Final participant thoughts
People who have taken part in the game have been kind enough to leave comments on their feedback forms, and on their social media feeds, such as these below.

And importantly, it’s fun!
Participants have gone away from taking part in a game facilitated by The Global Academy feeling that it has both stimulated their thinking and given them a fun time.

But don’t take my word for it – you can see what participants are saying. If you wan to know more, see our LinkedIn page at or even follow us on Twitter @1GlobalAcademy.

And finally, one of our favourite comments. We just have to share this one with you.