Dr Flavia H. Santos is a neuroscientist focused on numerical cognition development and factors that affect its functioning such as mathematics anxiety and working memory. Dr Santos has a strong interest in how Music Science interact with emotion and cognition. She has carried out studies on interventions to stimulate and remediate mathematical performance using musical training and computerised tasks. Dr Santos is a member of the UCD Childhood and Human Development Research Centre. She is also a member of the UCD Neuropsychology Lab and leads the UCD Music and Math Cognition Group.
At the same time, Dr Santos has an interest in the interaction between memory systems, for instance between working memory and prospective memory. She also has been studying cognitive biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment and early-onset dementia. Her interests in this area are focused on healthy ageing and neurocognitive disorders. She co-edited the book “Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Ageing Process” (2021, Springer). Her recent book is Excelling in life with Down Syndrome (Nova, 2021).
The Global Academy for Global Goals CIC ©
UCD Neuropsychology Lab
Black in Neuro
UCD Institute for Discovery // Rising Stars