MLitt. Ysabel Munoz

PhD candidate, 


Spanish, English, French
Norway, Cuba, United Kingdom

Research Focus

Ysabel Muñoz is a PhD candidate in English Literature at the Department of Language and Literature, where she works with the transdisciplinary project Narrating Sustainability. She holds a bachelor in Letters from the University of Havana (2017). In 2020, she received a Chevening scholarship to complete the MLitt. Environment, Culture and Communication at the University of Glasgow (2021).

Muñoz is an environmental humanities scholar whose research interests include Caribbean culture, material ecocriticism, ecofeminism, post/decolonial studies and affect theory. As an activist, she has written several articles and participated in campaigns and conferences working towards sustainability in the Caribbean context.

Latest publication: Wastescapes in the Caribbean – Edge Effects


  • Narrating Sustainability. Mujeres y Sostenibilidad en el Caribe


  • PhD candidate

Global goals

Target 5.5
Target 14.1
Target 15.5

Professional Organisations

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • University of Glasgow


  • Norway
  • Cuba
  • United Kingdom

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