I am a palaeoecologist, specifically a palynologist, working on reconstructing South African palaeoenvironments.
My research field and interests include:
-Palaeoenvironments of southern Africa
-Palynology (pollen and non-pollen palynomorph analyses): fossil pollen (for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions) and modern pollen monitoring
-Palaeoecology and its role in biodiversity and conservation biology (especially pertaining to the Cape Floristic Region/Fynbos Biome, in South Africa)
-Climate change in southern Africa (specifically the impact of future climate change to ecosystems)
-Palaeoclimatology and palaeooceanography
-Physical environmental sciences – southern African geomorphology and geology
-Geochronology: late Quaternary dating methods and modelling approaches
-Stable isotope ecology and its application to environmental research
-Remote sensing and GIS and their environmental applications
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