Dr Akansha Singh

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Statistics, 

United Kingdom

English, Hindi, French

Research Focus

My research is interdisciplinary, at the crossroads of statistics, demography, and public health. My area of expertise is Quantitative Data Analysis and Methods, Biostatistics, Mathematical Demography, Mortality and Health, and multilevel analysis. I have vast experience of handling information from the big population, social or behavioural data sources like Demographic Health Surveys, educational trials or census data, which makes me well versed in different sampling design, type of data, estimation using software such as SAS, R, Excel, SPSS, STATA, and MLwiN. I have worked in several Global projects including Education Endowment Foundation Archive of Educational Trials UK, Longitudinal Ageing Study in India, and Global Adult Tobacco Survey Project. I have also worked with international collaborators Education Endowment Foundation, UK, Harvard School of Public Health, WHO, and CDC Atlanta, USA. For the last 2 years, I have been working on the appropriate use of quantitative methods in education and other social indicators and the application of machine learning techniques on public health indicators. I am delighted to have received an opportunity to be affiliated as an associated researcher in the Institute for Data Science at Durham University. Apart from my research, I am actively involved in the supervision of Masters’ Students working as interns in our projects and mentor Ph.D. students to successfully conduct and develop their research work and career.


  • EEF NPD Analysis and Data Archive; Improvement in Life expectancy and Narrowing of Life disparity; Spatial modeling of child mortality at the district level in selected states of India


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate in Statistics

Global goals

Target 3.1
Target 3.2
Target 3.4
Target 3.5
Target 3.A
Target 4.1
Target 4.2
Target 4.5

Professional Organisations

  • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
  • European Association of Population Studies


  • United Kingdom

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