Prof Chuixiang Tree Yi

Tenured full Professor, 

United States

English, and Chinese
United States

Research Focus

Chuixiang Yi received all his degrees in China – B.S. in Physics from Liaoning Normal University, M.S. in theoretical physics from Northeast Normal University, and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from Nanjing University. Before he moved to US, Dr. Yi was associate Professor at Beijing Normal University. He has ten-years postdoc research experiences across many US campuses, UC Berkeley, University of Minnesota, Pen State University, University of Colorado, and now is a tenured full Professor at Queens College of City University of New York. Dr. Yi with 150 coauthors (Yi et al., 2010, ERL) won World Meteorological Organization, Norbert-Gerbier-MUMM International Award 2012 for best publication. His current research interests focus on: (1) how forest resilience responds to on-going climate change? (2) how we quantify forest resilience and tipping point? And (3) what is the future of forests with on-going climate change? Dr. Yi is dedicated to answer these questions by using nonlinear dynamic models, numerical simulations, and statistical models based on global tree-ring, remote sensing, and FLUXNET databases. His Lab has a broad spectrum of research projects across Forest Ecology, Remote Sensing, Bioclimatology, Micrometeorology, Climate Change, Paleoclimate, and Hydrology. The overall goal of his team is to use nonlinear system theory, stability analysis approach, resilience and tipping points concepts to predict the potential critical transition of nature and society in facing warming-climate-induced extremes.


  • Ecosystem Science, Climate control of terrestrial ecosystem CO2 sequestration, NSF
  • Instability analysis of terrain-induced canopy flows, NSF


  • Tenured full Professor

Global goals

Target 13.1
Target 13.2
Target 13.A

Professional Organisations

  • City University of New York, Queens College


  • United States

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