Mr Junghoon Park

PhD candidate, 

United States

English, Korean
United States

Research Focus

Junghoon Park is a Ph.D. candidate in Strategy and Corporate Sustainability at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, the City University of New York. His goal is to help business identify and adopt practices that meet its needs while mitigating negative externalities and increasing positive externalities to sustain the planet that sustains humans. He investigates mechanisms through which firms respond differently to grand challenges society faces—such as climate change and human health—and how they can better manage their social and environmental impacts. He also examines how corporate sustainability strategies can advance progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


  • Montiel, I., Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Park, J., Antolín-López, R., & Husted, B. W. (2021). Implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(5), 999–1030.
  • Park, J., Montiel, I., Husted, B. W., & Balarezo, R. The grand challenge of human health: A review and an urgent call for business-health research. Business & Society, conditionally accepted.
  • Spring cleaning: The relationship between environmental performance and divestitures


  • PhD candidate

Global goals

Target 3.3
Target 3.4
Target 3.9
Target 12.4
Target 12.5
Target 12.6
Target 13.3


  • United States

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